Tuesday, November 20, 2007

orange belt

Last night Owen tested for his orange belt in karate.Ugh, I'm loathe to come across as some controlling sports mom (Toby and I don't even own any Pittsburgh sports related paraphernalia) but Owen doesn't seem to be learning any self control, or for that matter karate skills, in this class. I like the instructor a lot, I think he's great with the kids. Maybe Owen just doesn't fit with karate, he's not the most athletic child so it might be awhile before we find a sport that works for him, I keep thinking swimming might be a good fit with him. During his test last night he's acting like a total space cadet, smiling at me, scratching his head and playing with his face when he's supposed to be going through his forms with the teacher. He has absolutely no form whatsoever, constantly wobbles from one position to the next, you'd have no idea that he's been taking karate for close to a year based on his performance in class. But when we ask him if he enjoys doing karate he insists that he does.I'm confused. When the teacher gave him his orange belt he told him that he needs to work harder and get a better attitude about karate. Owen's shouted 'yes, sir!' and then goes back to the line and starts goofing off again, while I'm trying to catch his eye in order to signal that he needs to be quiet. He doesn't have to do any sport if he doesn't want, Toby and I thought it might help with his clumsiness and give him more confidence in his body but if he wants to do chess (he's part of his school's chess club) or math club that's fine. I just don't know how or when to determine that we've given karate a fair shot and that he should hang up his belt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should mention that he did break a board with his open hand. And look at his cute girl friend on the far left in the middle picture smiling all proud of him.
