Wednesday, August 15, 2007

take a peach

This photo has been doctored. I have to admit it. I was ashamed to put it up showing the moldy spots on the grout, that no amount of toxic cleaner will get rid of. I still have to regout the tub, on the endless list of things to do once the kids are asleep or in colleget. Actually this photo is celebrating Owen and Oona's graduation to taking baths in the official tub or as Owen so sweetly says, 'taking a peach' since the tub is peach. He knows just how to put a delightful spin on the decorating disasters in this house. Can you believe I've been stuffing poor Owen's gangly newly minted five year old body into the eurobath for babies all these years. Never mind that the drain broke off, oh three or so years ago and I've been stoppering the tub with a washcloth ever since. I figured I was conserving water. So now they get to stretch out and enjoy all the fifty year old tub has to offer, and I have to remember to clean it more regulary. I wish there was a nontoxic cleaner that can effectively battle soap scum but I've yet to come across one. Still, they delight in the spaciousness of 'the peach' it's like a pool after the baby tub.


sew nancy said...

oh, so cute even if the tub is a disaster. i stuff
m in his baby/toddler tub
more because i need to go buy a bunch of items to
make the old claw foot tub safe for him
but he doesn't seem to mind
i could always graduate to the eurotub,right?

Anonymous said...

I find that Borax works great on soap scum and the mildew as a natural alternative. You can find it by the laundry soap.
I love Oona's hair!

Amelia Plum said...

thanks for the Borax cleaning tip, I'll have to try that next time I'm faced with cleaning that godforsaken peach tub.