Friday, August 17, 2007


Except when you're a stay at home Mom, there's no reason to celebrate the end of the work week since we seem to always be on duty. Oh, I know there are many days when I feel like I don't get a break, aside from writing here and being an elliptical junkie at the gym, these are my two oases in an otherwise very scattered life. I keep hoping I'll feel less like a mom afflicted with ADD when my kids are in school, that's when I'll do all these creative things - like learn how to make jewelry with precious metal clay, and learn to knit or crochet (maybe both!), refinish furniture, sew, possibly quilt and take more pictures. Still something tells me once Oona enters kindergarten I'll still be every bit as scattered and time deprived as now, although with more wrinkles and grey hair. But I can always dream of a picture perfect future even if it will never be fully realized.

Owen had his last day of dino dig camp. They got to dig up dinosaur eggs which they then cracked open and his contained a tyrannosaurus rex claw 'a real live fossil' as Owen told me. His instructor was wonderful. She played a CD of sci-fi movie music in class one day (I don't know how it's connected to dinosaurs) and Owen informed her that the Star Wars theme song was his 'most favorite music ever' so she made him a copy of the CD. It makes for great car riding with the windows down and Star Wars tunes blasting from the Freestyle. This is how I can get back at the teens driving by our house with music so loud the bass makes our windows vibrate, take that you gansta wannabe.

P.S. As you can see I finally got around to putting up a summer banner, just a month before summer is over. Hopefully I'll find a fall banner in a more timely fashion. It is my favorite season maybe I'll be more inspired. And I wasn't planning on a flower themed banner year, that just seems to be the easiest 'capture the essence of the season' thing to take pictures of with kids in tow.

1 comment:

sew nancy said...

sounds like the teacher went all out with the camp which is great.
that picture on your banner- wow.
believe it or not i feel like i never do enough and am not accomplished enough in my crafting but, then i'm most likely comparing myself to people who don't have kids or are better at time management - ie: don't spend as much time on the computer.