Sunday, August 12, 2007

highly creative or deeply disturbed

You decide. Owen has a very active imagination and social life comprised of his real and imaginary friends. He has a whole slew of imaginary friends that comfort him during the difficult parts of his recently turned, five year old life. When he has to lie down for rest time at school, something he absolutely loathes since he no longer naps, he and Harry Potter play quidditch and it gets him through dark, quiet rest time without getting in trouble. Then there are the kids that live at our house. The boy that lives in his bed who is mean to him at times and squirts him in the face with a water pistol. I’ve told him to tell that boy I don’t want him doing that to Owen. Elise with the long red hair was the girl he talked about last year who would take a bath after him (so she tended to be wet) and liked to listen to us read stories to him at bedtime but she was very sad and would sit down on the sofa and cry at night because no one ever read her stories. He no longer remembers Elise but that imaginary friend had me scared for a while that Owen was like Haley Joe Osment in The Sixth Sense. Jake is a mainstay as far as imaginary friends go and can go everywhere with Owen, some of these kids just stay at the house and others can go outside too. Apparently Owen has started a music class and a science class in his bedroom, he teaches the science class and two ladies who he doesn’t like, because they have silly names, teach music. He has a Spanish nanny that visits him from time to time. And Nick came all the way from California to come out to the in-laws with us this week. He said that he got married to his imaginary friend Sarah and that they had a baby, but they didn’t name the baby and he doesn’t speak that much about the child. Should I call imaginary child services to launch an investigation? He told Toby that he was busy working ‘yeah, you know I have a job’ but couldn’t elaborate on what exactly he does at work (I’m sure many can sympathize with him). He was at summer school for June and part of July, it was more like an extension of his pre-k class, he loved it and learned so much, but when I’d ask him who he played with he’d usually talk about his imaginary friends and not the ones that were actually in class. I don’t know. Maybe if some shrink or psychologist reads this blog, which I doubt, this will scream of major psychological issues, but he doesn’t seem particularly disturbed or withdrawn. And he never pulls out chairs for his imaginary friends or anything else where you would mark space a person (real or imaginary) is taking up. But I do hear him talk to these imaginary friends quite often. He has real friends that he plays with. He can be a bit shy initially but once he warms up to a person or situation just try and stop him. So who knows? Creative or disturbed? I’m gonna say creative because he doesn’t really act all that disturbed.

1 comment:

Elise A. Miller said...

"He told Toby that he was busy working ‘yeah, you know I have a job’ but couldn’t elaborate on what exactly he does at work (I’m sure many can sympathize with him)." HA! That is the funniest thing. My vote? CREATIVE. Go O!