Saturday, October 31, 2009

happy halloween

Oona was a kitty once again but instead of being bad princess kitty (what she deemed last year's cat costume which had a shredded Stevie Nicks type gauze skirt) she was pretty kitty, the costume was a bit racy for a 2 - 4 year old with a pink collar that had a heart shaped tag with Meow in script, but Oona doesn't do collars. She doesn't usually do barrettes, headbands or masks of any type, the kitty ears stayed on for about a half hour which is very good for Oona.

Unfortunately this was shot at a party we went to on Friday. It was a great party; my friend went all out with the food, decor, everything. But Oona still seemed rundown by her flu. She wasn't the perkiest cat & kept asking to go home (when she wasn't taking her hands out of her underwear to grab apple slices. My hygenic daughter, coughs in her elbow when she doesn't have her hands on her butt) so we were one of the first to leave, at 7. And she was still not feeling well for Halloween. Toby took her to a few houses but she just wanted to come home and lie on the couch. Her eyes get very glassy and sort of hangdog looking when she's sick, poor thing. Oona likes to snuggle when she's healthy, she's very huggy and kissy, but when she's sick she snuggles even more. She acts like my cat, Sam, trying to get on my lap whenever I sit down. Thank God my kids are affectionate snugglers. I love that I can hug and kiss them with abandon. But Toby called me earlier this evening to tell me that Oona is running a fever again, I hate when my kids are not well.

H- made a headstone for Owen and a couple other lucky friends. He had an awesome wolfman costume on. My friend's got a rope swing in her backyard, that was the hit of the party for the kids, you should have seen the line for it. But that swing can make my anxiety go into overdrive, what doesn't really? I went on it over the summer and the combination of the swing with the slope of the backyard, you can get some major height on that thing and I'm always holding my breath when I see Owen fiercely clutching the rope with both hands, saying 'woohoo' in a tight voice, like he's as adventurous as H- when clearly the kid got my anxiety genes.

Candy please. Let me tell you when I found Owen and told him we had to leave the party early because his sister wasn't feeling well he was not a happy camper. He had a mini moody tantrum but I stood firm. I've got to be on him with his recent hissy fits. I don't yell but I'm not backing down and I'm making it clear that the behavior is unacceptable, hopefully drilling this into him will be a good preventative from any teenage moodiness - I can hope. Fortunately, after his bath he was happy to have me lie next to him in bed while we read My Father's Dragon.

Hope everyones Halloween was happy & healthy!


BabelBabe said...

i didn't realize that's why you took off - if it ever happens again, you know I'd be happy to bring Owen or Oona home, if one needs to go but the other likes to stay. At the playground or whatever. I'll be totally candid with you if I can't, ok, but if I can, it's no trouble.

sew nancy said...

i am still wiped out from halloween.
that and scarlet which them led to matty waking up extra early this morning
hope oona is feeling better

Elise A. Miller said...

I'm so impressed that you posted a h'ween post ON h'ween. early nights are good for something. Is Oona feeling better? hugs!