Wednesday, October 07, 2009

happy october

It's my favorite month! So I give you this link of Terry Gross interviewing Michael Chabon, another man who makes me all gooey inside. Okay, but this is not the most flattering picture of him, he looks sort of jaundiced or the orange saturation on the photo has got to be calmed down. Honestly though, if you listen to his interview what's not to love; he's bright, funny, engaging and also so kind. Needless to say I'm a total fan. So my dream man is a little bit Michael Chabon, and a little bit Atul Gawande, couple bits of Tim Roth, Hugh Laurie and Gary Oldman, with a dash of Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart and Rick Gervais, oh, and a sprinkle of Nick Drake on top, the non suicidal part please. More is up but I'm scattered right now. I cleaned another house yesterday and went through another vacuum bag, man I'm just working the dust out of every nook and cranny. My back has been acting up since yesterday morning, when Oona threw a fit and I then had to lug the 22 pound vacuum a 1/4 acre to the house I was cleaning. The people are so nice though and the house is amazing. It's the perfect job for a compulsive interior decor voyeur. When I lived in Park Slope how I loved to take evening walks and look at the homes through the windows. The real irony with my recent foray into housecleaning is that my own home looks beyond bad, there is crap piled up on every available flat surface on the first floor. But I've got two dear friends from out of state coming to visit this weekend, I'm so excited I'm like Hammy on caffeine, so I've got to start cleaning up soon. But not tonight I'm beat.


Elise A. Miller said...

rest up dear, were coming. by the way I suggested to my book group that we read the chabon. I think he's so cute too. i hope they agree since it's a hardcover, but I think he is worth it. thanks for the rec! can't wait to see you!!!! xoxoxo

sew nancy said...

have a good weekend! october is my favorite month too.
m was taking a drive yesterday through NP and not sure but he thought your friends house (not sure if it was the right one) had a For Sale sign...the one you had your baby shower at.....