Thursday, December 01, 2011

nclex study update

Still losing my mind studying for NCLEX. The thing that's really throwing me is that I keep arguing with the study guides and honestly how far am I going to get yelling at a book? But it really chaps my ass when I come across huge typos, like Parkland and modified Parkland formulas being the exact same formula (meaning someone got lazy with the cut and paste). One of my books had 6 comprehensive tests at the end and it was like they completely gave up on the last one. They'd have a question about sickle cell disease but then the answer would relate to cystic fibrosis. Two questions were supposed to contain rhythm strips to look at and they were missing. But the questions I save the most wrath for are the psychiatric nursing questions, which really make me wonder whether the 'clients' that flip out and get placed in seclusion might be the saner people there. Because when I come across a question where a man is suffering from depression and feels like a worthless father and husband and the correct answer IS NOT pointing out that his wife said he's a wonderful father and husband (no no no because that's too logical and therefore ineffective). No the book said the correct answer was to 'state that "you were able to shower and dress without any help this morning," points out a visible, realistic accomplishment and strength to the cient with self-deprecatory statements, thereby helping to increase the client's self-worth.' I would be ready to punch the nurse in the face that offered this gem of therapeutic communication. I can't think of answer more likely to increase my self hatred and push me further along the suicidal ideation path if I was this depressed man. Oh my. Please send out good wishes, cross your fingers, pray to God if you believe that I make it through this test without succumbing to hysterical blindness from the stress and that I pass the first time I take it. Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease. With questions and answers like that I have my work cut out for me.

1 comment:

Elise A. Miller said...

Good wishes from suburban PA! Go rock that bad boy. You're funny too.