Monday, December 07, 2009

kitchen redo

I don't mean to toot my own horn but I think I should get special props for baking 4 batches of seven layer bars for the school's cookie walk given the current conditions of my kitchen, no?

Another view of the lovely, semi gutted kitchen. It is cold in there. I need to get insulation to put above the drywall ceiling, when it's installed. The drywall guy is supposed to stop by tomorrow morning to check things out and let me know how much this will cost, fingers crossed for a very reasonable price.

The room before Owen's karate teacher stopped by with his sawzall to take down the dropped ceiling frame. He made quick work of taking down that frame and god knows it probably would have taken me all day.

Before version of the kitchen. I'm really hoping it will look much much better once I'm done with everything. right now it looks pretty awful and I'm getting a wee bit discouraged. But just wait until you see my next post with the gutted ceiling dining room. Yes, the only working room on the first floor is currently the living room, taking the name living to a whole other level. I'm sort of having a prolonged panic attack about getting these other rooms as finished as I can by Christmas but I chose to make this mess so I can't really get too bent out of shape by my handiwork? hubris? hallucinatory delusions brought on by shelter magazines?


kristi said...

every post you have like this just freaking amazes me. i can't imagine doing anything like this.

i'm positive that eventually you will have it all done. you are too tenacious not to. :) now, if christmas is your goal, well...maybe you could ask santa for a little help. :)


Elise A. Miller said...

can't wait to see the big reveal. it'll be christmas for all of your readers.