Wednesday, July 22, 2009

You can breathe easy, my obsession with the chipmunk bag has passed. I think a large bean tote, white with navy or black trim, is much more practical. Maybe I can find a chipmunk pin and put it on the plain tote if I'm so inclined. But I'm still obsessing about the Fox Chapel house, and my neighbors house which I'd like to buy and totally redo - it has such pretty bricks in need of cleaning and pointing and a big two door garage that I'd convert into a cabana style arts & crafts studio.
I just think it comes to having a personality where I'm a bit of a compulsive fixer. I'm quick to clean up, straighten rugs, pictures, repair lampshades that are slightly askew. Anywhere, not just my house. Waiting for a meeting today I couldn't help but stick out my foot to straighten the 5 x 8 rug that was at an angle in the waiting area. It's in my nature and I see so much darn potential in so many houses, they just need to be loved back into shape. Well that and I lot of money and sweat equity. Sweat equity I've got lots of, money not so much. For now I'm on to stripping the stairs, ugh there's so much paint and MASTIC which is horrible to remove and smells awful. Thank God the stripper I use has zeroVOCs because everything I'm removing has plenty to make up for it.
I plan on repainting the hallway, the bold two tone color is driving me batty. All the dark bold colors are driving me batty. I'm not a bold or dark colored person. Don't get me wrong I love seeing it in other peoples house or magazines but I can't live with it. I'm more of the light, calm, muted color type of person.Under the white paint is periwinkle (don't ask I'll show before and after and after pics when I'm done) then mastic, then godawful orange brown congealed faux bois varnish which stinks!

1 comment:

sew nancy said...

you are one amazing hardworking girl.
we are in the process of painting the hallway now. the color has been bothering me since we moved in. it's a yellow and looks awful with the grey tones on either side so it's going to be constellation by ben moore which a pale blue.