Thursday, April 24, 2008

creative expression

What was I thinking, handing a 2 1/2 year old markers to color with while I tried to make dinner? She and Owen seemed to be doing so well and they were right in the dining room, all I had to do was lift up my head to see them. Guess I was to intent on peeling my yam and Oona was too quick with the body art. Owen said 'Oohh Mom, Oona's drawing on herself.' in that self-satisfied way that siblings have when they know there about to get their sister/brother in trouble.

As evidenced by the impromptu photo session, I wasn't all that mad. Oona is such a ham, in the one pic I asked her to look sad and she emoted to the hilt for me. Thankfully the markers came off easily with a bath, my kids live for tubby time. I might have been a bit more concerned if she'd drawn on her face with a Sharpie, that would take some serious scrubbing to get off and, even then, she'd probably have marker remnants for a few days.

Today I'm running on 3 hours sleep, all the beautiful spring blooms have caused my throat to itch uncontrollably so I spent a good portion of last night clearing my throat. Can't wait to see what mischief Oona gets into today.


mushroommeadows said...

Oh my gosh!!! These pictures are precious. Who could be mad at such a face!?! so cute!!! :)

cookie said...

she is so cute!!

kristi said...

i know that older sibling tone very well...although both my older ones use it on each other. actually my oldest tells the middle one to do inappropriate things to see if he will take the bait and then she tattles. (insert big eye roll here)

adorable pics, and thank goodness for washable marker! :)

mick66 said...

that sad face is too much