Thursday, December 15, 2011


I took my NCLEX on Monday. 12/12 and I was supposed to take it at noon but I got there early so they let me start at 11:30 and spoiled my 12 cubed thing. I was shaking when I got there. Literally hands, body shaking. But after being fingerprinted and having my palm scanned. Being told that I'd be videotaped while taking my test and ushered into the testing room I got in my seat in front of the computer, put the earplugs in, took my boots off and sat cross legged in the chair. I went through the tutorial and then started the test in earnest, my heart thundering through my earplugged ears. But the first question was easy, and the one after that and the next. I was focused and doing what I do best (it is so sad that I'm such a good little test taker but I am. On paper, in theory, I excel). I wasn't focusing on how far I was in the test. There were a couple questions I didn't know but I didn't get hung up on them. There were a lot of 'select all that apply' questions, which I hate, because I'm always torn between adding one answer or not. But I was ruthless with myself and got through those. At 72 I started noticing what number question I was on because with NCLEX it's a computer adapted test and you can have anywhere from 75 to 265 questions (and any number in between). The screen just goes blue and your test ends when you have either passed or failed. And you can't find out whether you pass or fail until two business days later. It's a huge mind game. My worry had been how bad will my anxiety kick in after 75 if the test keeps going because you know then that you haven't failed but that you're also not in the successful pass zone yet. What a horrible way to fuck with a person's confidence. But I was feeling really good during the test, after so many weeks depressed and relentlessly studying, things were going well. I clicked my answer to 75 hit next and it went blue. I cannot tell you how happy I felt. I did the test in under an hour's time. I came out into a beautiful sunny day. I felt wonderful.

1 comment:

elise said...

that's great! happy for you.