Thursday, January 06, 2011

I was walking through Highland Park around dinnertime the other day and just liked the way the dormant hydrangea looked next to these puplish black pods thingies. Yes, obviously I am no master gardener. I have no idea what type of plant this is but I liked the contrast of the colors and that it was dark it made the contrast even more vibrant.

Off on running with school. Have had two full days learning to read EKG rhythms. Oh my it all makes sense until we go on to the next section of abnormal rhythms and then I'm like, wait I still have to remember all those ones before that I just learned. Gotta make space in my brain for this stuff to sink in. On the plus side Monday, after our lecture I caught a House episode where the patient went into super ventricular tachycardia and they need to cardiovert her and I understood what they were talking about. If nothing else, it makes my House viewing that much more enjoyable. Oh and one helpful bit of meaningless house gaffe trivia, they almost always put their stethoscopes on backwards on that show.


kristi said...

those are great pics of the plants! i love stuff like this.

sew nancy said...

I agree with Kristi. My heart did a little jump for those plants;)